Thursday, November 25, 2010

Be Thankful For An Education!

On this Thanksgiving holiday, let's remember those that fought for all Americans to be able to have the right to an education and to be treated equally in the process.  If you are fortunate enough to have a high school diploma and/or a college degree, you know how important it is to have the opportunity to learn and as a result earn more money so that you can take care of your family and prosper in life.

As one of those fortunate people, I encourage you to remember those children who need to have a book read to them, those students who need a tutor, those adults who need a helping hand to get their GED, and  those students who need funds to go to college, to buy books, and to go on to graduate.  Give to scholarship funds like UNCF (The United Negro College Fund,, to literacy programs like Better World Books (, or give of your time by volunteering to tutor and mentor a student in need. If we all pitch in to help, our nation's promise of education for all, will become a reality.

On this Thanksgiving Day as we spend time with family and friends, Be Thankful For An Education!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

"Education is the Civil Rights issue of our generation." --Arnie Duncan, US Secretary of Education;

Follow me on Twitter: @ivywriter

Tutoring and College Prep in the SW Ohio: website: email:

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